Friday, October 23, 2009

Sherridan Elementary

I was excited to hear from another elementary school this year. Sheridan Elementary had contacted and we found a time that I could go out and visit. I quickly made plans to visit and just made my visit yesterday! :)

Their class had just started talking a bit about heritage and immigrants coming to Nebraska so it worked perfectly for me to come and talk to them. I started by telling them about my family and where they came from. I told them stories about their trip here and the land they received due to the Homestead Act. I asked the kids to tell me any stories they knew about their families and some raised their hands to share. Next I told them a bit about my kroj and how the kroj is different in every region. I told them how my family brought over many traditions that I try to keep alive today and one of them is music. I told them how playing the accordion was lost for several generations in my family but I am proud to have started and hopefully maybe it will get carried along further. I talked a bit about my journey in playing the accordion and showed them my accordion. Let me tell would never think you would get kids so excited about an instrument like that! :) I played Apples Peaches Pumpkin Pie for them and they wanted to hear more. I sang Blue Skirt Waltz for them so they could hear a bit of the Czech Language and then played a few more songs. There were lots of questions after I had finished and I did my best to answer them all before our time was up. I had a great time speaking to Sherridan and they seemed to really enjoy what I spoke about. :) They were a great audience!

Spanem Bohem!
Stefanie Vocasek
2009-10 Nebraska Czech-Slovak Queen