Monday, March 15, 2010

First Annual "Czech It Out" Children's Czech Festival

Well the time had was sink or swim! This is an idea I've had for several years and it was FINALLY coming to life. I've never planned something like this on my own so I was REALLY scared. The list kept growing...and growing...and growing and by the start of the event we had over 70 registered. A few who were registered didn't show up but several who weren't registered did come. Final count was 75 who stopped at the sign in table but we are pretty sure there were even a few more than that. First the kids checked in and got their "Passport." This was their guide to the different activities they could do. Next they were able to travel to the different stations which included the following:

Apron/Vest Decorating: At this station each child received their apron (for girls) or vest (for boys) they were able to glue on felt shapes (hearts/flowers/leaves), sequins, ribbon, etc.

Hat/Headpiece Decorating: At this station the boys received a felt hat and were able to decorate it with feathers and ribbon. Girls received a plastic ring that they could have flowers glued onto and added ribbons in the back.

Bracelet Making: At this station each child could make a bracelet to go with their kroj.

Dough Ornament Making: At this station each child got to make an old fashioned dough ornament like families use to make for their Christmas trees. Before they made their ornament they got to practice rolling out dumplings and kolace.

Gingerbread Decorating: At this station each child got to decorate a Czech gingerbread cookie with colored icing.

Coloring Contest: At this station each child got to color a picture and enter it into the coloring contest. They could color a boy and girl in kroj from several different regions or Czech designs page with hearts etc.

Heritage Station: At this station I had an OLD trunk set up to show what a family might bring when they traveled to the United States back in the late 1800s or early 1900s. It included items like quilts, books, seeds, a kettle, etc.

Storytelling: At this station children got to listen to an old Czech folk tale.

Photo Booth: At this station children got to take a picture with their faces in the Czech Dancers cut out. It was then printed for the child to take with them.

Dancing: At this station children got to learn how to polka dance.

Czech Language: At this station children got to learn how to count to 5 in Czech and how to say animal names.

After the kids got to participate in all of the stations for a while we did the Chicken Dance. The kids had a blast and didn't want it to end. Next was the parade of kroje. We had everyone who wore kroj to the event come across stage and show off the beautiful costumes. Some of the children who just made parts of their kroj that day walked across also to show off the starting pieces of their new kroj. For the last hour of the event we had a polka dance. Children continued to finish at each of the stations and there were lots of children dancing also. I can't say I could have asked for it to go any better. :)

A special thanks to:
-Andrew and Tricia Vocasek for helping clean up
-Bob Bowen(Grandpa) for fixing our old family rocking chair to use for storytelling
-Brad Husak for playing in the band for the polka dance
-Deb Douthit for cutting out felt shapes, helping set up and cleanup, and volunteering your time at a station that day
-Deb Vocasek(Mom)for sewing all of the vests and aprons, helping with setup and cleanup, and volunteering your time at a station that day
-Donna Aschwege for baking gingerbread cookies
-Donna Gruntorad for volunteering your time at a station that day
-Erma Ruhl for baking kolace
-Harleena Douthit and Mike Vocasek for cutting out felt shapes and making dough
-James Vocasek for volunteering your time at a station that day
-Jeanette Prybil-Smith for cutting out felt shapes
-Joan Svoboda for cutting out felt shapes
-Jon Halama for playing in the band for the polka dance
-Kelsey Homolka for volunteering your time at a station that day
-Kim and Kaylee Znamenacek for volunteering your time at a station that day
-Laura Shestak for volunteering your time at a station that day
-Missy Vavra for making icing and volunteering your time at a station that day
-Pam Hromodka for volunteering your time at a station that day
-Randy Korbelik for playing in the band for the polka dance
-Roper Elementary School for allowing us to use the multipurpose room for the event
-Russ Market for donating popcorn, juice and water for snacks that day
-Sandy Schnakenberg for baking gingerbread cookies and volunteering your time at a station that day
-Shandra Korbelik for making icing and volunteering your time at a station that day
-Shayla Miller for volunteering your time at a station that day.
-Shelly Manson for helping at the last minute with cutting vests when we didn't think we could get them all finished and volunteering your time at a station that day
-Steve and Julia Ourecky for volunteering your time at a station that day
-UNL Heath Center Clinic for cutting out felt shapes
-Val, Natalie, and Claire Frahm for volunteering your time at a station that day
-Valerie Smith for volunteering your time at a station that day
-Donations by many to help cover the expenses of the event

It was an amazing day and I couldn't have done it all without each and every one of you!!! :) Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I'll be in contact with you next year! ;)

Spanem Bohem!
Stefanie Vocasek
2009-10 Nebraska Czech-Slovak Queen