Thursday, December 3, 2009


Omaha had a few upcoming holiday events and I was excited to get to go out there to help them celebrate. The first was Worldfest in Bellevue. I had actually talked about it with Monica, Carrie, and Sandy on our way to Oklahoma. I was excited to see the different cultures celebrating. I got there and got to walk around to the different booths and see some of the special things that the different groups were doing to celebrate their heritage for the holidays. I got a packet of music to sing with the Czech singers and read over some of the words. I got to try a few different types of food and in what seemed like no time at all it was time to go and sing with the group. The Omaha Czech Cultural Club had a group of all ages there to sing. They had everyone in some sort of kroj and all of the kids had instruments (even a very small accordion up front!!) We sang a variety of Christmas songs in Czech and the kids played along. It was a lot of fun but I'm still not great at sight reading Czech words but couldn't make it to either of the practices they had. Thanks for letting me sing with you anyways OCCC! Carrie let Brad and I perform before her since I had to work that afternoon. We played a few songs and I sang Blue Skirt Walt. My grandpa's cousin from MO was even in town so he came to listen to us since he LOVES polka music and can't make it up to hear us play very often. After we finished up Carrie explained and played her Dudy for everyone. It was a great day and lots of fun to see other cultures represented.

Brad and I made it onto their website's photo album. To see pictures of us and some of the other performers visit the site.

Spanem Bohem!
Stefanie Vocasek
2009-10 Nebraska Czech-Slovak Queen