Monday, December 28, 2009

Another Haven Manor...This Time in Lincoln!

We had a great time in Hickman visiting Haven Manor so we thought we would visit the Lincoln Haven Manor also! :) I was a bit sad that South Central had to cancel their Christmas party due to the weather but I'm hoping to make it down there for a meeting in the near future since I haven't had much of a chance to work with the South Central Chapter. Wouldn't want to leave out any of the wonderful chapters around Nebraska!!

We got there and they didn't know we were going to be there so it took them a few minutes to round up all the residents. I let Brad play a few songs as everyone was coming into the room and getting settled. I had a great time talking about my experiences as queen (as I always do!) We played a few songs together and then I sang a few. I love singing the Blue Skirt Waltz in English at these events because there is almost always several people singing along. This time as ususal there were a few out there singing or humming along. It's also fun to watch those feet start tapping along to the beat during the Polkas. You just can't help it when that music starts! I'm definitely glad we got to visit and look forward to many more visits around Lincoln soon.

Spanem Bohem!
Stefanie Vocasek
2009-10 Nebraska Czech-Slovak Queen