Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Muzicky Muzicky

I got invited to perform at "Muzicky Muzicky" a few months back. They asked me to sing the Czech and US National Anthems. I was really excited....and then....MY VOICE RAN AWAY....unfortunately I didn't catch it before it got away so I lost it. :) Never fails that I lose my voice when I need it most. The program was really neat. They talked about Czech Instruments, Composers, Songs, and so much more. It was great to learn even more about Czech music and to be a part of the program. I got to sit on stage with some of the lovely York Czech's who helped to present and put this event on. (I kinda felt like I was on the View sitting on the couch...only better because I was surrounded by a bunch ofjavascript:void(0) strong Czech Women! HEHE!) They had a small band set up playing some of the songs and instruments that they spoke about during the program and after intermission I got to play Sue Underwood's accordion to help people know that intermission was over and it was time to return to their seats. I also got to try...yes TRY to play the dudy which was fun. (Ever since I saw Carrie Brown play the dudy I've wanted to learn!) It was a great day and I look forward to visiting the York Czechs again sometime soon.

Spanem Bohem!
Stefanie Vocasek
2009-10 Nebraska Czech-Slovak Queen