Saturday, April 3, 2010

Doane Heritage Celebration

Somehow after all of these years I still hadn't ever made it to the Doane Heritage Celebration (previously the Doane Concert.) I was excited to get to go but still a bit tired from the trip back from St Louis. When we got there I was excited to see so many people there. I was having fun trying to practice my Czech with their quizes (I did ok on the animal names but not so well on the others) and after a bit of time I was ready to join in with the accordion jam. I tried to sneak in during introductions but they saw me and I had to introduce myself. :) HEHE! It was great to get to see some family and friends in Wilber again because I don't make it down there as much as I would like to outside of Czech events with my busy schedule. I had some lunch and then went over to Sue's house to go over a few things for my new kroj. As soon as we got back to Sokol we had to run down to the Museum and I had a good time showing my Mom around down in the basement. Somehow after all these years of going there she had never been! I told her how scary the basement used to be when we were little. Thanks to Steve for letting us in to see it all. When I got back to Sokol I even got to polka a little with Jon Halama. (Someday I'll teach Brad how so he has no excuse! HEHE!) It was a great day but I was tired and ready to go home when we finally left (we were some of the last 6 there and ended up having a mini accordion jam by the time the night was over.) I look forwarad to going again next year. :)

Na Shledanou,
Stefanie Vocasek
2009-10 Nebraska Czech-Slovak Queen